At 16 weeks

Date of ultrasound: 12 January 2002

Aha, now I’m finally looking human! The doctor told my Mom so. Her response was, “It’s not an alien, thank GOD!!!” The doctor pointed out two LONG legs, two arms, and a clearly recognizable bald head (hey, what do you expect, long tresses?). I was stretching my legs and flailing my arms about when they took this image. Mom can’t feel my movements yet, but expects to feel them any week from now.

And great news – Mom’s morning sickness is finally over. No more throwing up and catnaps in the afternoon, as she has also finally regained back her energy. She is still sort of picky about foods, but mostly can eat anything that doesn’t smell too nasty. The only thing she can complain about right now is her disappearing waistline, as she is already starting to show!

Dad is finally relieved that the irritable days are finally over, and Mom is back to her sweet ways again. 🙂


In the know:

The baby now has considerable hand and arm movement: it can make a fist, move its thumbs, and bend its wrists. It is also better able to grasp objects. All the body movements that the baby engages in right now constitute practice. It takes some time for the nervous system and the muscles to make smooth, synchronous movements. So these motions test the hook-ups within the neuromuscular system. The baby is also exercising its tiny muscles by moving them.

The baby’s heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood a day during the fourth month; that rate will increase to 300 quarts of blood a day by the time it is born.


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