Gift Summary

Hi Readers! I finished my new Kindle book called Gift! YAY! I love it! Whoohoo!

So here it is:

In the story there is a girl named Daisy who has extraordinary electrical powers that can destroy or fix electrical objects. In the very first part, Daisy finds her classmate, Vivi knocked out with pills and muttering things about a boy named Patrick. They start to have some talks together Then Daisy get merged with her friend Danielle to past memories. Vivi then shows her past and reveals that she thinks Patrick is her guardian angel. Through her connection with Danielle she begins to dream of her past life as Jane, Danielle as her friend Veronica. Daisy’s new boyfriend Kevin finds that in Daisy’s dream a man who Jane marries was Patrick’s last life, since his name is James Patrick Stone. Then they all fight with a possessed Danielle and Daisy manages to defeat Patrick again.

I like this book of all of the mysteries embedded in the story, because it is like: at first you think, this will happen and something the exact opposite happens. It is really fun and mysterious to read this and it gives you a fun chill up your spine. This book is very popular, considering it was made by Andrea J. Buchanan. This is not the first book that I have read that is written by Andrea J. Buchanan, the first was “The Daring Book For Girls” which I loved to take out of the library every Wednesday.

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